Avangard Photography Toronto Wedding Photographer

Our Toronto Wedding Photography Packages & Prices

Toronto Wedding Photography Prices

Just like every wedding that we document is unique, so are the wedding photography packages that we offer. We use a la carte pricing so you can build your own wedding photography package that reflects your individual needs and fits your budget.

Our wedding photography packages include coverage provided by our own team of experienced full-time professional wedding photographers. We don’t use contractors, freelancers or associate photographers. Everyone on our team was trained to reflect the signature storytelling style of photography that Avangard Photography is known for.

Wedding Albums

All our wedding photography packages range from 8  to 12 hours photography coverage, with unlimited travel on the wedding day and no additional fees.

We also include in-house editing of all wedding pictures. We never outsource editing of your wedding photos!

Your wedding pictures also include unrestricted printing rights which means that you can print them anywhere you’d wish. There are no watermarks or any kind or restrictions.

We deliver wedding pictures using stat-of-the-art on-line gallery. It’s a great way to quickly and securely share your wedding photos with your family and friends.

The on-line gallery features unlimited digital downloads of your wedding pictures. High resolution/originals great for printings and lower resolution images which are suitable for online sharing.


Finally we also offer variety of printed products such as coffee table albums, fine-art wedding albums, Thank-you cards, canvases, professional prints and enlargements.

Wedding Albums

Ready to capture the magic of your special day? Reach out today to secure your dream wedding photographer and ensure every precious moment is beautifully preserved forever.

CONTACT US HERE to discuss wedding packages, availability, promotions and to book your date.